Presentation sophomores tour
the Kentucky Holy Land

Trappist Brother Conrad Fleischmann spoke to a group of Presentation Academy sophomores during their visit to the Abbey of Gethsemani Oct. 22. (Photo Special to The Record)

Presentation Academy’s sophomore class toured the Kentucky Holy Land last month.

The Kentucky Holy Land spreads through Nelson, Marion and Washington counties, where Catholicism in Kentucky began.

Along the way, the students stopped at the Abbey of Gethsemani in Trappist, Ky., where Trappist Brother Conrad Fleischmann led them on a tour of the abbey. They also visited the gravesite of Thomas Merton, the influential Trappist monk who lived and wrote at the abbey.

The sophomores visited the historic St. Thomas Church in Bardstown, Ky., as well as the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth campus in Nazareth, Ky., where they learned about the SCNs and Mother Catherine Spalding, their foundress.

Sister of Charity of Nazareth Amina Bejos, left, a theology teacher at Presentation Academy, walked across the sisters’ Nazareth campus with Presentation Academy students Oct. 22. (Photo Special to The Record)
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