Pastoral assignments effective Aug. 5

The following assignments are effective Aug. 5:

Father Thomas Smith

Reverend Thomas Anthony Smith will be Administrator Pro-tempore of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church.

Father Smith, born in Bardstown, Ky., studied at Father Judge Mission Seminary in Monroe, Va.; University of Maryland, College Park, Md.; and Morehead State University, Morehead, Ky. He completed major seminary at Washington Theological Union in Washington, D.C. Father Smith did post-graduate studies at St. Louis University, where he earned a doctoral degree in historical theology. He also served in the United States Air Force, achieving the rank of E-5.

He was ordained on May 28, 1983.

Father Smith has served as pastor of St. Martin of Tours Church, Flaherty, Ky., and Holy Spirit and St. Lawrence churches. He served as associate pastor of St. James Church, Elizabethtown, Ky., and St. Joseph Church, Bardstown, Ky.

He was administrator of Holy Spirit Church, Jamestown, Ky.; Good Shepherd Church, Columbia, Ky.; and St. Brigid Church, Vine Grove, Ky.; and administrator pro-tempore at St. Monica Church, Bardstown, and St. Peter the Apostle Church.

Father Smith has served on the following diocesan committees: College of Consultors, Priest Council, Cemetery Committee, Finance Council, Respect Life Committee, Priestly Life and Ministry Cluster, Diaconate Formation Program, Vocation Team, Presbyteral Assembly Committee, Catholic Conference of Kentucky (Pro-Life Committee, Opportunities for Life Committee, Health Care Committee, Health Care Summit Committee) and CSA Pastors Committee.

He has also served on the Suburban Hospital Ethics Board, as an adjunct professor (Bellarmine and Spalding universities and St. Catharine College), a guest lecturer at University of Louisville School of Medicine, “Moral Side of the News,” and Crusade for Children Advisory Committee.

Rev. Paul W. Eve, associate pastor, Holy Name and Holy Trinity churches.

Deacon John G. Froehlich, Administrator Pro-tempore of Christ the Healer Church in Edmonton, Ky., and Christ the King Church in Tompkinsville, Ky.

The Record
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