With the reintroduction of the cup during Masses, some parishes will need additional Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Barry Mudd, associate director of the Office of Worship, said part of the baptismal call is ministry to others. Those who “can see the face of Christ in one another and have a strong faith in the Real Presence” of the Body and Blood may be called to serve Holy Communion, he said.
Mudd provides training and training updates to those interested in serving as Communion ministers.
The fullness of the Eucharist is experienced as “both an object and an action in Christ, who is present among us here and now,” he said.
“It’s wanting to serve one another,” he said. “I use the imagery at the update sessions very often of God’s hands here on Earth, that we have the opportunity to feed God’s holy people.”
He also quotes a sermon from St. Augustine on becoming the body of Christ:
“ ‘We become what we receive,’ ” Mudd said. “So we take the body of Christ to the body of Christ.”
In the year 2000, Archbishop Thomas C. Kelly requested that Eucharistic Ministers receive training from the archdiocese to ensure everyone received an adequate education, including theological knowledge.
Upcoming training sessions for new Eucharistic Ministers and update sessions for those who have been trained previously are scheduled to take place around the archdiocese over the coming months. And more will be added.
The full list is available and will be updated at www.archlou.org/worship.
To find out whether your parish needs additional ministers, contact the parish office.