Parents urged to be informed about JCPS sexual education

Record Staff Report

Amid calls to adopt district-wide guidelines for sexual education, the Jefferson County Public Schools board of education held a working session on the subject on Oct. 25.

Deacon Stephen Bowling, director of the Archdiocese of Louisville’s Family Ministries Office, is encouraging those with children enrolled in public schools to be aware and get involved as the board considers potential changes.

“Since this is an important issue for families that want to be informed about what their children are learning, all concerned parents might consider attending” meetings on the subject, he said.

The next board meeting is planned for Nov. 15 at Pleasure Ridge Park High School, 5901 Greenwood Road, at 7 p.m.

“With so many of our children in the JCPS system, this is important for so many,” he said. “Anybody can go to these meetings. They’re open.”

JCPS currently adheres to a set of broad standards set at the state level, but each school’s decision-making body establishes its own curriculum.

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