‘Night of Silence’
tells Christmas story

The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her she would bear a son and he would be named Jesus, Son of the Most High God. (Record Photo by Kayla Boyd)

St. Teresa of Calcutta Church performed “A Night of Silence,” which told the story of Jesus’ birth, Dec. 18. A large crowd from the parish and community gathered to see the story of Jesus’ Nativity unfold, beginning with the Annunciation and ending with the feast of the Epiphany. The story, accompanied by the church choir, included Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth and an angel chorus composed of the parish’s many children. To their delight, the story was narrated by St. Nicholas, who donned his modern-day Santa Claus suit.

St. Teresa of Calcutta’s choir sang between scenes during “A Night of Silence.” (Record Photo by Kayla Boyd)
The three kings traveled to Bethlehem to take gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the baby Jesus as the audience waited and watched. (Record Photo by Kayla Boyd)
Mary, surrounded by angels, smiled while holding her new baby. (Record Photo by Kayla Boyd)
Kayla Bennett
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Kayla Bennett
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tells Christmas story”