Mercy seniors donate time

Mercy Academy seniors bagged candy for members of Gilda’s Club Kentuckiana. The club supports individuals and families affected by cancer. (Photo Special to The Record)

Mercy Academy seniors taking part in senior service projects fanned across the city Nov. 28 to Dec. 5, donating their time to various nonprofit agencies and causes. Following is a sampling of their efforts:

  • Students worked with the Coalition for the Homeless to learn about the plight of people without homes and to spread awareness in downtown Louisville.
  • A group of students cleaned and organized a clothing closet at Lifehouse Maternity Home, which serves pregnant women in need.
  • Students organized and hosted an American Red Cross blood drive on the school’s campus.
  • Students met with Kentucky state representatives to advocate for educational change. They advocated for a bill that would require schools to include the full history of African American and Native American peoples in the curriculum.
  • A group organized storage space and put up holiday decorations at Boys and Girls Haven, which serves children in the state’s foster care system.
  • Seniors visited Gilda’s Club Kentuckiana, which serves individuals and families affected by cancer. They organized the merchandise closet and bagged candy to give to the club’s members.
  • Students helped clean and organize the Ronald McDonald House, which serves sick children and their families.
Mercy seniors shared information about the local homeless population on placards in downtown Louisville Nov. 28. (Photo Special to The Record)
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