“Return to the Upper Room,” a day-long retreat on the “mission and vocation of men,” will take place Feb. 18 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Edward Church, 9608 Sue Helen Dr.
The retreat is sponsored by reCatholic.org, a ministry focused on creating resources for groups and individuals that “inspire and challenge Catholics to rediscover, rekindle, and renew their faith,” according to reCatholic’s website.
The retreat will include Mass, Adoration and presentations from local Catholic men.
“It’s a great way to prepare for Lent,” an announcement from the organizers said.
The cost is $30 and includes breakfast and lunch. To register by Feb. 15, visit recatholic.org/retreat.
For more information, call 889-6516 or email info@recatholic.org.