Jacob Sullivan, a seventh-grader from Holy Trinity School, won the Archdiocese of Louisville District Spelling Bee held Feb. 19 at the Flaget Center. The runner-up was Steele Whitney, a seventh-grader from St. Stephen Martyr School.
Jacob will represent the archdiocese in the Kentucky Derby Festival 2013 Ford Motor Company State Spelling Bee on March 9 at the PNC Club at Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium. If Jacob cannot attend, Steele will compete at the state bee.
The Faith Channel, 20.27, 279 digital, or cable box 19, will air the archdiocesan spelling bee on March 11 at 7 p.m. and March 13 at 6 p.m. A video of the bee will also be available March 10 on the archdiocesan website, www.archlou.org.