St. Xavier High School
St. Xavier High School is a place of profound growth. Its students spend their four years growing in maturity, community, and spirituality with one another. As a member and soon-to-be graduate of this student body, I can attest to this notion. I was not given a brother by blood, but my St. X brothers are everything I could ask for and more.
The academic and athletic grind forms adolescent boys into men of integrity and character. Together, we undergo periods of rigorous studying and training which strengthen us as well as bring us together. Facing these challenges has helped to prepare us for the journey that lies ahead, which will begin with college. As I prepare to leave my home for the first time, I am excited and nervous to see what my life has in store. But I am comforted in knowing that St. Xavier High School has given me every tool I need to succeed.
An essential piece of the St. X community that makes it so strong is the faculty and staff. As incoming students, we were given extra guidance until we learned our place in the building. But once we did, we were always treated respectfully as men. This made St. X a home away from home for me and many others. For some, it is the only home they have ever known.
Few things bring a home together as closely as a strong faith, and our Catholic faith is the centerpiece of our St. X brotherhood. As Catholics, we stress the importance of including those of other faiths as well.
Through service, we are united by the common cause of building up our community and using our gifts to help the less fortunate. Our service spans from packaging medical supplies for local hospitals, to harvesting invasive plant species in parks, to helping to educate children in Jamaica, to any other idea that our Campus Ministry can introduce. We know our community does not only include the Louisville area, but the entire world as well.
As seniors, leaders, role models and big brothers, we prepare to go out into the world to serve to the best of our ability. Knowing that we have the St. X community at our backs and at our sides, we will be poised to take on anything that lies ahead. I am proud to be a member of such a noble group of people, and I will rep the green and gold for the rest of my days.