Every year, Catholics around the Archdiocese of Louisville are asked to examine their hearts and finances to give generously to the Catholic Services Appeal. The archdiocese’s 60,000 or so households gave about $4 million last year.
That’s a lot of money that can do a lot of good. This year’s goal of $3.9 million can do the same.
Each contribution means something different to each donor. There are likely as many reasons to give as there are donations.
Some give to benefit seminarian education. Their donations ensure the future of the priesthood here and currently help 14 men attend seminary.
Others give to alleviate the suffering of another person. Catholic Charities of Louisville benefits from these donations that support expectant mothers, refugees, immigrants, the working poor, victims of human trafficking and other vulnerable people.
Some give because they are concerned about the sanctity of life — from conception to natural death and everything in between. The Office of Family Ministries works in this area. The office also ministers to engaged couples and long-time married couples alike.
Passing our faith onto the next generation motivates some donors, who value the work of the Office of Faith Formation. Last week that office celebrated the formation of more than 100 people who earned certification as catechists.
Donations to the CSA help bring the Eucharist to the sick and homebound. And they support ministry with Hispanic, African-American, Asian and Pacific Islander Catholics and others who come to this archdiocese from other cultures.
The Record, a vital communication tool of the Archdiocese of Louisville, also receives support from the CSA. The Record’s mission — in print and online — is to educate, inspire and inform the Catholics of central Kentucky.
The Record’s bread and butter is sharing the stories of the people and places of Catholic Kentucky. Those stories come from you, our readers.
We’d like to invite you to take part in a new story. We’d like to share why you give to the Catholic Services Appeal.
Your story may educate, inform and inspire others to give, too.
You can send a brief statement to The Record’s email address: record@archlou.org.
In addition to a brief statement about why you give to the appeal — fewer than 100 words — please provide the name of your parish and a phone number where we might reach you.
We look forward to hearing your “why.”
Marnie McAllister