Fifty-two men and women religious were honored during a Mass celebrating the World Day for Consecrated Life Feb. 2, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord.
Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre celebrated the liturgy at the Cathedral of the Assumption for those marking jubilees of 25 to 80 years. The archbishop thanked them and told them they’re a “light” in their ministry.

Among the religious marking jubilees this year is Conventual Franciscan Father George Munjanattu, who delivered the homily.
Drawing from the day’s Gospel reading — where St. Luke describes the presentation of Jesus in the temple — Father Munjanattu said Simeon and Anna, serving in the temple at the time, were devout and righteous. And they are an example to those living a consecrated life today.

“Simeon and Anna could be called the first Christian evangelists. What is special about them?” asked Father Munjanattu, who is marking 25 years as a Franciscan this year.
“Their understanding of and perception of who Jesus is, and what he means for them and for the world, is rooted in something very ordinary — they lived in intimacy with God,” he said. “The lessons that Simeon and Anna teach us — devotion, prayer, fasting and following God’s commands — all bring us to a place where God will reveal himself more and more to us.”

Consecrated life is a “beautiful thing,” and there’s freedom in it, Father Munjanattu said.
“I have found that the greatest freedom in consecrated life comes from opening the gates of everything that I am and letting God in on it,” he said.
Simeone and Anna, he said, remind consecrated religious that they spread Christ’s light.

“The more intimate we become with the Lord, the greater his light grows within us,” he said. “Simeon and Anna teach that devotion, uprightness in living God’s commands, prayer and fasting are the very things that will fuel the light of God’s grace within us and help us to make his salvation known to the world.”
“Let us, then, with a renewed enthusiasm on the feast of the Lord’s Presentation, take up the challenge to be the Annas and Simeons of our time,” he concluded.

Men and women religious serving in the Archdiocese of Louisville were invited to attend the Feb. 2 World Day for Consecrated Life Mass. And those marking jubilee years were invited by the archdiocese to be recognized at the liturgy. Following is a list of jubilarians who responded to the invitation:
80 years
Sister Irene Marie du Sacre Couer Clare, lsp
Sister Kathleen Tighe, SL
75 years
Sister Elaine Burke, OSU
Sister Marie Carol Cecil, OSU
Sister Veronica Colahan, OP
Sister Frances Krumpelman,SCN
Sister Amanda Rose Mahoney, OSU
Sister Corina Padilla, OP
Sister Ceciliana Skees, SL
Sister Anne Magruder Elizabeth Vannucci, SCN
70 years
Sister Helen Cahill, OP
Sister Martha Clan, SCN
Sister Ann Daylor, OP
Sister Mary Serra Goethals, SCN
Sister Margaret Marie Greenwell, OSC
Sister Justina Heneghan, RSM
Sister Francis Louise Johnson, OSU
Sister Catherine Marie Lauterwasser, OSU
Sister Patricia Rae McNamara, OP
Sister Martha McNulty, OP
Sister Janet Marie Peterworth, OSU
Sister Mary Margaret Reid, SCN
Sister Elisa Rodriguez, SL
Sister Joan Robishaw, SCN
Sister Barbara Schulte, SL
Sister Marilyn Shea, SCN
Sister Dorothy Thomas, SCN
65 years
Sister Mary Kay Brannan, SL
Sister Mary Ann McGivern, SL
60 years
Brother Louis R. Calmel, CFX
Sister Marie Joseph Coomes, OSU
Sister Mary Louise Denny, SL
Sister Barbara Jean Head, OSU
Sister Mary Henning, OSU
Sister Ruth Ann Haunz, OSU
Sister Paula Kleine-Kracht, OSU
Sister Eva Kowalski, SCN
Sister Ann McGrew, OSU
Sister Barbara Maynard, SCN
Sister Emma Anne Munsterman, OSU
Sister Marietta Putzig, SCN
Sister Janet Marie Rabideau, SL
Sister Marian Stenken, SCN
Sister Rita Ann Wigginton, OSU
50 years
Brother Luke Armour, OCSO
Sister Marcelina Navarro, SCN
Sister Linda Soltis, SCN
Sister Rene Weeks, OP
25 years
Father George Munjanattu, OFM Conv.
Father Shaju Puthuserry, OFM Conv.
Father John Pozhatuparambil, OFM Conv.
Sister Sarah Yungwirth, OSB