“Live Love Louisville,” a community-wide pro-life festival, hosted by the Circle of Life youth group, will be held April 14 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Big Four Bridge.
Organizers of the group said they “hope to address difficult issues within a family environment.”
The short-term goal, organizers said, is to “close the last abortion clinic in Kentucky.” And, their long-term goal is to “build a permanent culture of life in America by uniting families like never before,” a news release from the group said.
Following the day festival, there will be a candelight prayer vigil at the Big Four Bridge. For more information, contact John Sohl at 428-6757 or visit circleoflifeyouth.com/ithirst.
The Circle of Life youth ministry program is made up of teens and college-age young adults from St. Luke, St. Rita and St. Athanasius churches.