Camp Africa Inspire will be June 10 to July 26; registration is now open

Camp Africa Inspire, a summer enrichment program for children in kindergarten through 10th grade, will be offered June 10 to July 26 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Catholic Enrichment Center, 3146 W. Broadway.

The seven-week program offers cultural enrichment and academic programs, including math, English, science, language arts, theater, foreign language, health and etiquette. It will also include field trips.

The cost for the seven-week experience, including breakfast, lunch and snack, is $350 per child. There is also a $25 registration fee and $25 field-trip fee. The field-trip fee will be waived for those who submit applications before April 30. For more information or to register, call 776-0262.

The Record
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