Archbishop’s Oct. 27 message from Rome

As the synod nears its end, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz reflects on the synod’s “message to the people of God,” which was released yesterday. The full text is available here and a news story on the message is available here.

Archbishop Kurtz, far right, is pictured at the synod on Oct. 26. (CNS Photo)

The Village Fountain

The message to the people of God from the Synod Fathers has now been released. It is beautiful.

Beginning with the encounter of Jesus with the Samaritan woman at the well, it presents simultaneous images of the world searching and thirsting for the truth and the presence of Jesus, who both listens and leads. The Church is to accompany persons who search, pastorally listening and leading them to an encounter with Jesus. Of course all of us in the Church begin by conversion to Christ, so we might be joyful and bold witnesses.

Equally inviting is a wonderful image, very dear to Blessed John XXIII, of the parish as the village fountain.

The English version is about 14 pages but truly worth reading.  Please visit here for the English version.

Now, I am on to the last session of the Synod with votes on propositions and then tomorrow, the closing Mass with our Holy Father.

May the Holy Spirit continue to guide the new evangelization so that there might truly be a new Pentecost!

The Record
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