Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz will celebrate the fourth annual Young Adult Mass Sept. 15 at 2 p.m. at St. Francis of Assisi Church, 1960 Bardstown Road. The Mass is sponsored by the Louisville Young Catholics group.
All young adults are invited to attend the annual Mass. Following Mass, Archbishop Kurtz will be available for an open dialogue, a news release from the group said.
There also will be burgers, hot dogs, picnic sides, games and fellowship after Mass. Children are welcome to attend.
In order to get an accurate food count, the young adult group asks participants to make a reservation through the group’s Facebook page at or to email Reservations are due by Sept. 13.
All money collected during Mass will be split between St. Francis of Assisi parish, Catholic Charities and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
Louisville Young Catholics sponsors two events each month: Pub Night and a Holy Hour.
The Pub Night is typically held the second Tuesday of each month on the second floor of Saints Pizza and Pub in St. Matthews. A speaker gives a talk on a topic related to the Catholic faith. Past topics have included volunteer organizations; faith, hope and charity; the Mass; and marriage, priestly and religious vocations. The next pub night will be Oct. 8.
The young adult group also holds a “Christ in the City Holy Hour” on the last Friday of each month. The Holy Hour includes adoration and Benediction, a reflection given by a local priest and the opportunity for confession. Following the Holy Hour, the group has a social event such as the Frankfort Avenue Trolley Hop or bowling.
The next Christ in the City event is Sept. 27 at Mount St. Francis in Southern Indiana. Attendees are welcome to stay for pizza and a bonfire following the Holy Hour.