The resurrected Christ is depicted in a mosaic. Easter is celebrated April 17 this year. (CNS artwork/Godong/UIG, Bridgeman Images)
My dear friends in Christ,
As we enter into Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum — the three days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday/Easter Sunday — I remind myself and all of us of the holiness of these days as we journey with our Lord Jesus Christ through his passion and death.
During the days of Holy Thursday and Good Friday, may we together reflect on the wonderful gift of the Eucharist and how Jesus’ self-gift to the Father — his suffering and death for you and me — is an example of how we are called to reach out to one another as well.
The days of Holy Thursday and Good Friday lead to the joy of the resurrection on Easter Sunday, reminding us that there is always hope after despair and joy after sorrow.
I hope that during the days of Easter, particularly on Easter Sunday, you will have time to celebrate with family and friends. Rejoice in the power of the resurrection that is offered to you and to me and in how the power of the resurrection is reflected in the love that we have for our family members and for one another.
So my dear brothers and sisters, let us keep holy these days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, journeying prayerfully with the Lord who suffers and dies to set us free from the power of sin and death. Rejoice that he broke the chains of death and rose triumphant from the grave!
The power of the Lord’s resurrection is available to you and me today. And one day, that power will be completely granted to us when we, as well, know final victory over death and the grave.
May the Lord bless you and all of those whom you love during these most holy days of the year!
Sincerely in the Lord,
Most Reverend Shelton J. Fabre
Archbishop of Louisville
A Message from Archbishop Shelton —
Holy Week and Easter
My dear friends in Christ,
As we enter into Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum — the three days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday/Easter Sunday — I remind myself and all of us of the holiness of these days as we journey with our Lord Jesus Christ through his passion and death.
During the days of Holy Thursday and Good Friday, may we together reflect on the wonderful gift of the Eucharist and how Jesus’ self-gift to the Father — his suffering and death for you and me — is an example of how we are called to reach out to one another as well.
The days of Holy Thursday and Good Friday lead to the joy of the resurrection on Easter Sunday, reminding us that there is always hope after despair and joy after sorrow.
I hope that during the days of Easter, particularly on Easter Sunday, you will have time to celebrate with family and friends. Rejoice in the power of the resurrection that is offered to you and to me and in how the power of the resurrection is reflected in the love that we have for our family members and for one another.
So my dear brothers and sisters, let us keep holy these days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, journeying prayerfully with the Lord who suffers and dies to set us free from the power of sin and death. Rejoice that he broke the chains of death and rose triumphant from the grave!
The power of the Lord’s resurrection is available to you and me today. And one day, that power will be completely granted to us when we, as well, know final victory over death and the grave.
May the Lord bless you and all of those whom you love during these most holy days of the year!
Sincerely in the Lord,
Most Reverend Shelton J. Fabre
Archbishop of Louisville
Annual ‘Behind and Beyond the Bars’ conference set for April 15 at Flaget