Holy Angels is a home away from home

Michelle Kenney
Holy Angels Academy

Who is Holy Angels Academy’s class of 2021? They are a small group of just eight seniors easily recognized in public in white and navy uniforms. They often respond to people who say, “I have never heard of that before. What is Holy Angels Academy?”

Holy Angels Academy, to most, is considered a home away from home. The faculty and staff are like a second family to the students. They treat their students with love and respect, and most of all want to see them succeed.

They are devoted to helping their students obtain an education while also growing their spiritual lives and helping them to one day reach heaven.

Almost all in the class of 2021 have been together since kindergarten. Not many high schoolers can say they are best friends with all their classmates. It may not be the largest school in the state of Kentucky, but great benefits come from its small size.

There is more focus on each individual person and how they can best serve their community, state, and country. The Holy Angels class of 2021 is well equipped to make a big impact for such a small size.

Being a Catholic and classical school, Holy Angels Academy offers a more intense level of education. The teachers push you to try your hardest each and every day, and to give your best effort. But it’s not just about the academics; it’s about your religious education and spiritual growth.

The motto of Holy Angels Academy is Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, which means For the Greater Glory of God. This is what the students are taught to strive for. Being excellent at academics, while important, means nothing if no credit is given to the One who gave you those gifts, God.

The main focus of the school is to help young men and women grow into the people who God made them to be, to use the talents and skills God gave them to their full potential, and to, above all, give Him all honor and glory.

With excellent religious formation from preschool all the way up to senior year and sacraments readily available to the students, those who graduate leave with a firm foundation and set of morals to face the “real world.”

The Holy Angels Academy class of 2021 is going out into the world as strong individuals in their Catholic beliefs. With each student going into a different field of study and career path, they can influence all they come across in their future academic and professional careers.

God puts people exactly where he wants them, and with the high school experience at Holy Angels Academy coming to a close, students begin to realize that this is true and are filled with gratitude for their time of formation as students.