2019 to open with focus on human dignity

By Jessica Able, Record Staff Writer

The Archdiocese of Louisville will begin the new year focused on promoting human dignity.

“Days of Human Dignity,” which was instituted last year, will return in 2019 with a series of events intended to promote the inherent dignity present in every human being, said Mark Bouchard, who serves in the Office of Department of Mission Advancement at Catholic Charities of Louisville.

Each person possesses human dignity and “that is something that can’t be taken away,” said Bouchard during an interview about the upcoming events.

A prayer service recognizing National Migration Week will kick-off the celebration on Jan. 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Assumption, 433 S. Fifth Street. The service coincides with National Migration Week, which is Jan. 6 to 12, 2019.

“Louisville has a rich tradition of immigration and refugee resettlement, like our entire country,” said Bouchard. “It is a source of strength for our country and our church.”

The “Days of Human Dignity” will continue for several more weeks and conclude in February with the annual Catholic Relief Services’ Rice Bowl Luncheon.

Events will include the annual Walk for Life, the annual Pro-Life Memorial Mass and a celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

While the upcoming events provide an opportunity to highlight and promote dignity through prayer, they’re also meant to raise awareness about issues related to charity, justice and life, said Bouchard, who serves on the Days of Human Dignity organizing committee.

“Days of Human Dignity” is a collaborative effort shared among numerous agencies of the Archdiocese of Louisville. The committee works to promote interconnected issues such as immigration, sanctity of life, racial justice, refugee resettlement and Catholic social teaching.

Archdiocesan offices involved in the planning and discussion of events include
the Diaconate Office, the Office of Youth and Young Adults, the Catholic Schools Office, the Office of Lifelong Formation, the Office of Multicultural Ministry, Catholic Charities, the Office of Worship and the Family Ministries Office.

Following is the schedule for the Days of Human Dignity:

  •  Jan. 10 — 6:30 p.m. National Migration Week prayer service celebrated by Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz at the Cathedral of the Assumption, 433 S. Fifth St. A reception featuring foods from around the world will follow in the undercroft.
  •  Jan. 18 — 4:30 p.m. Walk for Life. Participants will gather in the Cathedral undercroft. The prayer walk is 1.5 miles and will begin at 5 p.m. It is expected to end between 6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
  •  Jan. 20 — 3 p.m. Annual Pro-life Memorial Mass celebrated by Archbishop Kurtz at St. Martin of Tours Church, 639 S. Shelby St.
  •  Jan. 21 — 10 a.m. A celebration in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. will take place at the Cathedral of the Assumption. Archbishop Kurtz will preside.
  •  Feb. 13 — 10:30 a.m. Catholic Relief Services’ Rice Bowl Luncheon at Assumption High School, 2170 Tyler Lane. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. with international exhibits. Lunch is at 11:30 a.m. For more information contact Mark Bouchard at 637-9786.

For more information on the Days of Human Dignity initiative, visit www.archlou.org/days-of-human-dignity.

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