About 100 people — from toddlers to teens to adults — joined in the Archdiocese of Louisville’s annual Walk for Life downtown on Jan. 22 in frigid weather.
The temperature that afternoon was nine degrees and the windchill was below zero. The prayer walk began at the Cathedral of the Assumption and continued for 1.5 miles roundtrip.
The group stopped to pray at the Jefferson County Courthouse, EMW Women’s Clinic, local hospitals and the corner of Fourth Street and Muhammed Ali where Thomas Merton had his famed epiphany.
The pilgrims prayed for a variety of issues related to the dignity of life, including worker rights and wages, an end to the death penalty and abortion and conscience rights protections for health care workers, among others.
The walk coincided with the national March for Life which happened the same day in Washington, D.C., Both walks marked the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade decision which legalized abortion. The local effort was sponsored by the archdiocese’s youth and young adult ministry.