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Archbishop Kurtz’s Oct. 23 message from Rome

Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz discusses the nature of the new evangelization and says he enjoyed a bit of free time with friends in his latest blog post from the synod in Rome. …

It is Tuesday morning, and I am preparing for morning Mass. Yesterday, we celebrated the feast of Blessed John Paul II, and I beseeched his intercession for the work of the new evangelization.

We now begin the important phase of carefully examining the propositions that are being developed. As we begin this process, I am reminded of a theme — the thirst for God and for all that is true, good, and beautiful — that was prominent at one of the focus groups prior to my coming to Rome: the 40 young adults who talked with me after the Mass at Holy Spirit Church in Louisville. This theme also is very prominent at the synod.

It is clear to me that the new evangelization is not simply a new program. Rather, it consists of uncovering the thirst that is already present in our hearts. The desire for lasting truth, goodness, and beauty leads the searcher along the path of life, and we see this search in the lives of the great saints. May Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, be announced once again to answer that thirst!

We finished the presentations of the propositions on Sunday, so yesterday was a free day! Last evening was a special treat. I went to dinner at a restaurant on the Borgo Pio very close to St. Peter’s Basilica. I was joined by Monsignor Anthony J. Figueiredo, of the North American College, Father David Boettner who is Vicar General and pastor of the Cathedral in Knoxville, Father Rich Clement, who is a priest friend from Allentown, and Michael Hendershott, a fine seminarian now studying in Rome for Knoxville. Msgr. Figueiredo was of tremendous assistance with all of the details of the ad limina visit last January. Father David and Father Rich are here for three months taking part in the program of ongoing priestly formation. Pasta and friends go together well in Rome, and, I imagine, everywhere!

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